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Terri Meyers

Terri Meyers and Michael Landen Named Partners at Kluger Kaplan

By July 1, 2013

Kluger Kaplan attorneys Terri Meyers and Michael Landen have been named partners at the firm. Terri Meyers handles a variety of complex business litigation disputes, with a focus on intellectual property litigation.  Michael Landen works on complex, multi-party federal court disputes and heads the firm’s employment litigation practice. “We are …

Todd A. Levine

Kluger Kaplan Associate Lindsay Haber Installed as Director of Miami-Dade FAWL

By June 14, 2013

Yesterday, Kluger Kaplan associate, Lindsay Haber, was installed as a Director of Miami-Dade FAWL.  The event took place at the Intercontinental Hotel, where Chief Judge Soto swore in Lindsay and the rest of the Miami-Dade FAWL 2013 – 2014 Officers and Directors.  Kluger Kaplan sponsored a table at the event, …

Alan J. Kluger

Alan Kluger Participates in Israel Bonds Young Investor Society’s Panel of the Founding Partners

By May 24, 2013

On Thursday, Founding Member Alan Kluger participated in a Panel of the Founding Partners hosted by the Israel Bonds Young Investor Society.  The panel, held at the offices of Bilzin Sumberg, featured Alan along with John Sumberg of Bilzin Sumberg and Harley Tropin of Kozyak, Tropin, Throckmorton.