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Treating Children of Divorce: The Legal Do’s and Don’ts for Pediatricians

By December 12, 2018

Thousands of families experience the stress of divorce each year. While parents who are in the midst of a separation should put aside their differences for their child’s wellbeing, there are those that will misuse their child’s pediatrician to exclude the other parent from-decision making – potentially placing the physician …

Telemundo’s Un Nuevo Día: Las finanzas y el desamor: ¡Descubre cómo evitar que tu divorcio te deje en la bancarrota!

By September 14, 2018

Kluger Kaplan’s Christina Echeverri explains what you can do to protect your finances during a divorce. Una experta en finanzas y una abogada de familia nos explican que debemos hacer para que una ruptura de pareja no afecte tus finanzas. Click here to view the full video.